Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Juan Williams: FoxNews' Black "Liberal" Useful Fool

Evidently Juan Williams is pissy about the whole Iraqi journalist throwing his shoes at President Bush incident. He is outraged that the Iraqi people aren't more appreciative of all we Americans have done for them. Thinkprogress is on the job.

Last night on “The O’Reilly Factor,” host Bill O’Reilly slammed Muntader al-Zaidi, the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush, and said that if he had been there, he “would have physically taken the guy down.” Guest Juan Williams agreed, but he widened his condemnation to Iraqis in general, who he said were behaving like “ingrate[s]” for not appreciating what the United States has done for them:

WILLIAMS: But on a serious level, how many American lives have been sacrificed to the cause of liberating Iraq? How much money has been spent while they’re not spending their own profits from their oil? American money. So I just think it’s absolutely the act of an ingrate for them to behave in this way. Just unbelievable to me.

Maybe it has something to do with all of those innocent civilians we have been
killing and displacing Juan.

Jeebus man grow a brain, rent a spine and stop bringing your people down on FoxNews.

Thats a demand not a request!


  1. Believe it or not, I'm not even that upset about the money it has cost us as a country to wage war in Iraq. Wars are expensive, that's why you should think before you give the ok.

    I am pissed about the money we've *lost* in Iraq. Not missspent, LOST. And not a dead hooker, mountain of coke, or rampant case of Herpes to speak of. That's some seriously weak sauce.

    So when I see people like Juan talking about American lives, I'm forced to wonder how he feels about the incompetence of those overseeing the financial end of the deal. That money could have bought better tanks or vests. If he's this pissed about someone throwing his Bostonians across the room, he must be really pissed about that missing money.

    On the bright side, seeing Juan reminds me of how they almost gave Joe Scarborough's slot in the morning on MSNBC to Larry Elder.

  2. Now that you mention it, Juan Williams and Larry Elder could be twins that were separated at birth!

    You are so right about the money lost in Iraq and the sad part is nobody ever talks about it, and that includes the leftus libruls. Don't get me wrong, I am as offended and outraged as anybody about going to war on phony intelligence and definitely about the torturing of detainees that our country has engaged in. But with our country getting hit day after day with more and more bad economic news you would think SOMEBODY would bring up the fact that of those 10 billion dollars a month that the politicians like to quote that we are spending in Iraq, we literally have no idea where most of that money is truly going.

    But hey as long as we have Juan Williams and FoxNews there will always be the chance that they can keep us distracted from the real issues with stuff like faux outrage from a phony liberal.

  3. As John Cole would put it: Clown Shoes

  4. At this point he should have the nose, the gloves, and a big floppy hat as well.

  5. Thought experiment: The great nation of Mongolia "liberates" the United States from the "tyranny" of George W. Bush. Mongolian soldiers take up residence in Bush's palace, the White House. Life in the U.S. becomes an unimaginable disaster akin to what's going on in post-invasion Iraq. After years of this, at a news conference attended by the Poobah of Mongolia and by the Mongolian-christened U.S. leader, a reporter from Fox News launches a 10-megapixel camera at the Poobah of Mongolia. Hero or ingrate?


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