Thursday, December 18, 2008

Is Rick Warren Welcome In The Log Cabin?

I will be honest, the selection by President Elect Barack Obama of Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the inauguration doesn't really move me the way it has some liberals. I understand the outrage because of his recent comments about >homosexuality and gay marriage(although he did endorse civil unions) but the truth IMHO is that there are a helluva lot more preachers in this country who agree with his views on those issues than those who disagree (also I am at least AS troubled by his comments endorsing the assassination of world leaders). And I also understand that there are a lot of rank and file citizens in this country who believe in granting gay couples at least civil unions who have at least one of Warren's books in their home and or office. The truth to me is that ANYBODY who was chosen would be a controversial pick due to all of the "Obama is a Moooslem" smears and the whole Reverend Wright fiasco. The most important thing about the selection to me is that it will resonate with the largest swath of America. You can agree with a religious leader on many issues without agreeing him on others and there are a lot of people who feel like "Purpose Driven Life" has really helped them in their day to day.

But what thing I am wondering about is where are the Log Cabin Republicans these days? These are people who support a Republican party that wants to act as if they don't even exist. If you listen to 99% of Republican officials you would think that all gay people are lefty librul Democrats intent on ruining America. Newt Gingrich, supposedly a leading Republican "thinker", has said there is gay people who want gay marriage are fascists who want to "impose their will on America". Talk about voting against your personal interests. To me it would be like a section of black folks supporting the Dixiecrats back in the day because they wanted to pay lower taxes for their segregated schools. I. Just. Don't. Get. It.

So Log Cabiners, on this Rick Warren issue, what say you?

Update: Ta Nehisi Coates over at the Atlantic points out that Pastor Joe Lowery, who is an outspoken supporter of gay rights, will also be on the inauguration program giving the benediction. I am waiting to see if the liberals who are throwing Obama under the bus will at least give him his props for that.


  1. I'm not gay or a republican, so feel free to ignore my feelings on the issue, but I gotta agree with Dan Savage on this one: If no one has ever seen your "gay friends" you are not allowed to claim the "but I have gay friends" excuse.

  2. Jack T

    Agreed. Its just as weak as the "but I have black" friends claim.


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