Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Im Not Buying It!

Newt Gingrich is not your friend. People need to say that over and over whilst looking in the mirror until 2010 gets here. The guy is trying to pull an "okie doke" and come off like he is rational and reasonable. Bull Effin Shit. This is the same guy who was gay gay baiting a couple of weeks ago. The same guy who jumped on the "Obama is a socialist train and damn near tried to be the conductor. This is the same guy who called Spanish "the language of the ghetto". This is also the genius who brought us "Drill here Drill now"So excuse me if I don't get all fluttery inside when he chides the RNC for attacking President Elect Obama over Blago Gate. Lets check out Daddy Gingrich chiding his kids over at the RNC.

In a time when America is facing real challenges, Republicans should be working to help the incoming President succeed in meeting them, regardless of his Party.
From now until the inaugural, Republicans should be offering to help the President-elect prepare to take office.
Furthermore, once President Obama takes office, Republicans should be eager to work with him when he is right, and, when he is wrong, offer a better solution, instead of just opposing him.


This ad is a terrible signal to be sending about both the goals of the Republican Party in the midst of the nation's troubled economic times and about whether we have actually learned anything from the defeats of 2006 and 2008.

Blah Blah Blah. Blow it out your arse Newt Gingrich. Just a little over a month or so ago you were trying to paint Obama as terrorist sympathizer and a socialist. In comparison I have to say that the RNC attack ad not only was lame but a lot tamer in its accusations. Newt Gingrich is the same race baiting Dixiecrat that he has always been and he is just trying to lull everyone in to a false sense of security so they actually pay attention to his wingnut fantasies again.

If you think I am the only one who is skeptical check out this comment from an unnamed Republican strategist who was asked his opinion on the letter from Sam Stein at the Huffington Post.

"I think that Newt wants a change at the RNC, and it is an intervention in the RNC race."

I couldn't have said it any better myself.

1 comment:

  1. The idea that this guy is slated for a comeback is a sad testament to how short the American attention span is. Does no one remember the mid-90s?


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