Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dey Know

There is a very useful daily feature over at dailykos that I read every day entitled "Your Abbreviated Pundit Round-up" They give quick synopsises of prominent editorials each day. I love it because it cuts down on time I might lose trying to peruse each and every major news paper online for useful tidbits of information. I will try to pass it on every time I see something share worthy.


  1. Congrats sgw. Although I was surprised not to see a picture of Lieberman up top. :-)

    Looks like Bayh may be the new Lieberman. Evan Bayh Forming Blue Dog Caucus in the Senate


  2. Thanks wvng

    Yeah I saw that about Bayh. I am willing to reserve judgement before I see exactly what their platform is supposed to be. After this auto bailout fiasco I don't know how may people will be lining up to call themselves blue dogs.

  3. btw, I agree on the pundit roundup. One of my first stops every morning. The pithy summaries are always dead-on.


  4. Yeah they catch stuff that I might normally never go looking for like Kristol in the Weekly Standard or any of those clowns in the WSJ. Its a shame what Rupert Murdock has done to that publication.


Come Hard Or Not At All!