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Now we all know that Tweety is a notortious concern troll but this segment took it to a whole other level. His whole premise is that if health care reform dies it will end up being the fault of liberals and progressives who want a public option. But lets look at the facts for a moment. A great majority of Democrats in the House want a public option. Similarly a great majority of Democrats in the Senate want a public option. So how is it that if a minority of Democratic Senators in the Senate are able to kill the public option that anybody can reasonably say its the fault of liberals and progressives if the bill fails?
I have a question for you, why the hell aren't people like Chris Matthews bringing on ConservaDems from the Senate like Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson and asking THEM if THEY are willing to kill the bill just because they don't like a public option? Why the hell aren't THEY being taken to task for being insufferable assholes who are going against not only the majority of Democrats in Congress but also the people of this country who support a public option in health care reform? If Tweety is really concerned and thinks Bill Clinton is right about Democrats needing to pass a bill today then maybe, just maybe he ought to take on the people who really might kill the bill and thats the Blue Dogs and the ConservaDems, not the liberal and progressive caucuses.
Its probably because its just so much easier to dumb on those "wacky far left libruls" than it is to hold bought and paid for "centrists" accountable for their actions and their votes. It is what it is.
I agree, yet the implicit point Chris was making is: Democrats can pass exactly what is needed since they need not look for Republican votes, and if they don't, this means they can't govern (as in, they can't twist arm of few Blue Dogs and get them in line).