Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Guess National Shame DOES Work

Evidently the superintendent of the independent school district of Arlington Texas doesn't like being exposed to the nation as an irrational partisan hack.

FORT WORTH — Six days after drawing fire for not showing President Barack Obama's speech to schoolchildren, the superintendent of the Arlington Independent School District announced Monday that he also will not be allowing 600 fifth-graders to attend a Super Bowl event next week featuring former President George W. Bush.

Jerry McCullough issued an apology last week for not allowing students to watch Obama's speech live after it was learned that the district had approved a fifth-grade field trip to the new Cowboys Stadium on Sept. 21, where Bush is scheduled to speak during a Super Bowl XLV kickoff event.

On Monday morning, McCullough announced that he has changed his mind about allowing students to attend the Super Bowl event, which he said has become a "local and national issue and a distraction for the AISD."

This is in direct response to the outrage pushed by liberals and progressives about wingnuts trying to paint President Obama's speech as "indoctrination". And I am sure there were some "moderate" Democrats who thought we should just leave it alone. Hell I saw a few so called Democrats go on cable networks and actually concede that the speech could give parents pause because of the lesson plan....seriously. But this situation shows what can happen when liberals and progressives keep pushing the issue instead of just going along to get along. It is beyond time we learned that either you roll or get rolled in politics. Screw a moral high ground, its time to go for the jugular. We have the right policy positions on our side anyway.

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