Friday, September 4, 2009

President Nelson Isn't Happy

Centrist Dem Senator Ben Nelson, who’s drawing fire from the left over his refusal to clearly state a position on the public option, now seems to have settled on one: Keeping the public option will destroy health care reform.

Nelson made the surprising comments in an
interview with Nebraska’s Lincoln Journal-Star.
“I see two endings,” Nelson said when asked by the paper what’s next for reform. “One is we find areas we can agree upon and we begin to do things incrementally, taking more of an insurance approach, not a government approach. Or it implodes.”

The context leaves no doubt that by “government approach” he means the public option, and this statement would seem to be pretty definitive. How can Nelson support the public plan if it will destroy reform?

What’s curious about this is Nelson’s suggestion that he has little control over whether keeping the public option will in fact cause reform to “implode.” He seems to suggest it will just happen of its own accord.

This just sounds all so familiar, anybody remember the stimulus bill fight?

I'm going to put this as gently as possible.


This guy is one vote out of 59 right now and he feels like everybody should bow to his ever whim. Well if he wants to hold that kind of power then I say he should run for President so the country can collectively laugh his dumb ass out of polite company. But until such time as he grows those kind of balls he should just shut the fuck up when grown folks are talking.

I am sick and tired of small men with huge egos from bumfuck states trying to dictate their minority opinions to the overwhelming majority. Its time to push health care reform through with reconciliaiton and make this muthafucka just as irrelevant as his stature and policy positions should make him. If he wants to be a Republican let him run as one next time. He isn't doing a damn thing to help Democrats at this point anyway. Hell I don't need any Democrat to be a DFH but you do at least need to be a damn Democrat.

Its time for some leadership, anybody know where we can find some?

(via Greg Sargent)

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Come Hard Or Not At All!