Friday, September 4, 2009

Color Schemes

Ok today I am going to play around with the color schemes on the site. This is an effort to help the people who read this blog because I realize for some that the white text on black background is a strain on your eyes. I'll leave up new color schemes for a couple off hours then change. If you see one you really like weigh in. If you like the old scheme let me know that as well. If I don't hear from anybody then the decision will be unilateral so speak now or forever....well you know the drill.




  1. blood orange = no go!

    try dark text on a light background. at least for the text area.

  2. Thanks for the feedback.

    I should clarify that the basic scheme itself with a dark background and light text will probably stay. I want something to be unique about this site and thats all a part of it. But I will take the no go on the blood orange under advisement. Check back in a few hours and there will be a different background color at least.

    Appreciate the support!

  3. ok, if you're going to stick with a colored background at least go with a lighter color so the contrast between the text and the background is not so jarring.

    the lighter orange text on the darker orange is not too bad, but the white post text on the dark orange almost seems to vibrate. or maybe its the meds.

    that is all.

  4. I agree with anon about the light orange on the dark orange. Something about the white text just isn't easy on the eyes. Although it has not stopped me from reading your blog.

    By the way, Nicole Belle at Crooks and Liars did a Joe Klein post at 3 pm yesterday. She used a comment from one of Klein's post in her post. I think that commenter was you.

  5. Thanks all for the feedback. Let me know if this is any better. Ill be tweaking it again if not in a couple of hours.

  6. The one thing I would suggest is please do not use a light color to highlight parts of text. In RSS readers, I have to highlight the text in order to read it.

  7. LeeFranke

    Thanks for the suggestion. When I had the black background I didn't have much choice but to use a light color in the highlights or just leave it white which to my eyes was confusing. Ill try to play around with highlights going forward.

  8. I have 61 year old eyes and much prefer the old color scheme. This white on orange is virtually impossible for me to actually see.

  9. Ok against my free spirit Im going to try dark text with this background. Let me know what you think.

    I also made the text a little bigger just in case.

  10. Colour contrast is great. Text tweaking also good. Just keep those posts coming. You're my first stop of the day, every day.

    Cheers, mate.


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