Wednesday, September 2, 2009

On The Clock

President Obama will address a joint session of Congress next Wednesday. Supposedly this will be to lay out his proscriptions for a health care reform bill. Obviously for most folks on the left it will be a time to see if he is serious about a public option or if he will walk away from one. And I am willing to make a prediction right here and now. If he walks away from a public option the Democrats in the House will if not lose their advantage in the House after the midterms or come really really close.

Those phones aren't going to bank themselves. Im just sayin.


  1. Absolutely agreed.

    You know, when Sen. DeMint said back in June that this would be Obama's "Waterloo" I thought he was full of it. But he was right.

    We gave up single-payer off jump. Giving up the PO will be political suicide for Dems.

  2. You know the thing of it is, as counterintuitive as this may sound, is that this may be the last legislative victory that he will get that could please liberals and progressives before the mid terms next year. I don't see any way that a Cap and Trade bill gets done after this unless its completely watered down. I don't think we will be getting out of Afghanistan any time soon, and in fact he will probably be sending MORE troops over there. There isn't likely to be a prosecution for torture. And while the economy will start doing better on paper, lots of people will still be hurting by this time next year, especially if foreclosures keep going up. So its not like its sunny days ahead after they finish up with health care anyway. He might want to go ahead and do this right if he doesn't want to lose the base and thats real


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