Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Like It, I Love it, I Want Some More Of It!

I know its likely that he will catch some heat behind it, but I love Van Jones for his answer on this YouTube from earlier this year.

"When [President George W. Bush] was in office, [Republicans] had a majority; it wasn't 60, it wasn't more than 60, but they pushed through all of these bills," the questioner began. "But when we have 58, we seem to not be able to move things as progressively as many of us here would want, as Obama wants. ... how were they Republicans able to push things through when they had less than 60 sens, but we cant?"

That's when the first slip happened. "Well the answer to that is, they're a**holes," Jones said, prompting audience applause.

"I was afraid that was the answer," the questioner replied.

Jones, however, continued his casual rant. "And Barack Obama is not an a**hole. Now, I will say this: I can be an a**hole, and some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama, are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity [to get things done]."

Right now I would love for President Obama to channel some of his inner asshole to get health care reform done. But if he can't do it, I am more than willing to unleash mine on his behalf ;)

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