Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hate To Say I Told You So

Well not really. Here is Harry Reid on Meet The Press with David Gregory today. Money quote comes around 4:29

Roland Burris will be seated sometime this week and all of this bluff and bluster will be for naught. Harry Reid is nothing if not consistent.


  1. Speaking of weaksauce, Reid just didn't make a decent case for why Burris shouldn't be seated.

    It was a disappointing performance, though I think Burris should be welcomed into the Senate. Didn't Reid have time to come up with a better explanation than that?

  2. He was playing with a bad hand honestly because he never should have made that committment not to seat him in the first place. But I should point out that he did PWN Bobby Rush for not supporting Barack Obama back in 04


Come Hard Or Not At All!