Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What's Scarborough Afraid Of?

This morning highly respected foreign affairs journalist Tom Ricks appeared on Morning Joe. Now the interesting thing is that Ricks said some of the same things about Bush tarnishing American's image around the world that other guests have said. The difference is when its a woman making that statement about torture Scarborough berates them and tries to intimidate them into backing down. Tom Ricks said it and repeated it when Scarborogh made a snide remark then looked him dead in the eye and smiled at him damn near challenging him to a debate over the issue. Funny but this time Scarborough didn't have any firebreathing comeback. I wonder why that is...

Of course none of that stopped Scarborough from looking like a dumb ass. I mean he is who he is. But it just struck me watching it live how weak he looked when a strong personality was on his show that wasn't going to take any shit especially in contrast to how he treated Christia Freeland whom he knew would probably back down. Tells you a lot about the guy doesn't it.

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