Monday, March 2, 2009

The Over, But Just Barely

All I can say to this story in Politico is WOW. Just to give you a hint, the title of the article is "Steele to Rush: I'm sorry". Doesn't even a single Republican in this country have the balls to stand up to Rush Limbaugh?

“My intent was not to go after Rush – I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh,” Steele said in a telephone interview. “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.”


“I went back at that tape and I realized words that I said weren’t what I was thinking,” Steele said. "It was one of those things where I thinking I was saying one thing, and it came out differently. What I was trying to say was a lot of people … want to make Rush the scapegoat, the bogeyman, and he’s not."

“I’m not going to engage these guys and sit back and provide them the popcorn for a fight between me and Rush Limbaugh,” Steele added. “No such thing is going to happen. … I wasn’t trying to slam him or anything.”


In the interview with Politico, Steele called Limbaugh “a very valuable conservative voice for our party.”

“He brings a very important message to the American people to wake up and pay attention to what the administration is doing," Steele said. "Number two, there are those out there who want to look at what he’s saying as incendiary and divisive and ugly. That’s what I was trying to say. It didn’t come out that way. … He does what he does best, which is provoke: He provokes thought, he provokes the left. And they’re clearly the ones who are most excited about him.”

Asked if he planned to apologize, Steele said: “I wasn’t trying to offend anybody. So, yeah, if he’s offended, I’d say: Look, I’m not in the business of hurting people’s feelings here. … My job is to try to bring us all together.”

But Rush isn't the leader of the GOP. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.


1 comment:

  1. I was pretty sure about that bet. The question for me is: What happens next? Will we see Rush endorsing one republican primary candidate over another?

    On another note, I'm surprised Rush didn't call him "Boy."


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