Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You Have Got To Be Shitting Me

Are they seriously going to let this wingnut with a gun stand outside waiting for President Obama to show up to his townhall in New Hampsire? Are you fucking kidding me?

Also important to note, the gun-toting protestor was holding a sign referencing the Jefferson quote: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants." It's a well known quote from one of the archetypal founding fathers. And in itself it's part of the American heritage, something that echoes with Jefferson's always ambivalent and frequently dilettantish attitude toward political violence. But in the context of these townhall excesses and while carrying a firearm at a presidential event, it's quite a menacing statement, in as much as it is about the need to kill tyrants

I don't give a damn how "legal" it is, President Obama's life has been threatened over and over. Somebody needs to remove that guy IMMEDIATELY!!!

Update: Meet wingnut Paultard, William Kostric, who thought it was a good idea to bring a loaded gun to the townhall event.

"You brought a sign that said the tree of liberty has to be watered with the blood of tyrants and you're carrying a goddamn gun at a Presidential event...."

When Tweety is on, he's on.

Update II: More on Kostric


  1. Put him in jail. He'll be REAL popular there. This bullshit ('scuse me) is not going to stop until someone gets hurt.

  2. I wholly agree with Jack. Wholly. You notice how it's little by little. First just a bunch of people making noise. Then a bunch of people yelling and shouting down people. Then a guy claiming to innocently be carrying a weapon to a Presidential Event (approved and allowed by a church no doubt.)

    The feds are so scared of these clowns crying about rights that they were scared to take this clown down. Don't tell me about rights, this is the President. I hate if's but if someone (God forbid) had brought a gun to a Bush event there would have been Holy and I mean holy hell to pay.

    You notice how he never made his point about healthcare. Socialism..blah...blah...blah, my rights...blah...blah...blah. This was nothing but a test by the right wing fringe to see how far they could go. And guess what they just advance the ball a little further. They won't get Obama, but don't be surprised over the next months and years when violence against minorities and indescriminate violence picks up. They all whine about self defense this and self defense that but they are nothing but cowards, when they offensively turn their guns on people who are otherwise innocent and defenseless.

    You know what, we would have a much better debate if these clowns just came out and said, I'm not comfortable with a Black President. This is something 100% of us, given our history can understand. Instead they use proxy issues like healthcare, socialsm, liberty and birth certificates to make their point. Sad state of affairs, sad I tell you.


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