Sunday, August 23, 2009

Will The Media Ever Notice That Kent Conrad Is Lying?

Senator Kent Conrad appeared on "Face The Nation" this morning to peddle his lame co-op alternative to a public option in health care reform. Now I get that he is a ConservaDem and that he supposedly want to be seen as a big time deficit cutter so he has some ideological objections to health care reform. I have already explained yesterday where I thought he could shove those concerns when it comes to voting for cloture. However there is one thing he said today that he has said several times that nobody has called him out on. Here goes:

CONRAD: Well, I would say this. It is very clear that in the United States Senate, the public option does not have the votes. If we have to get to 60 votes, you cannot get there with public option. That’s why I was asked to come up with an alternative, and the alternative I came up with was this cooperative approach that, as Senator Grassley correctly describes, is not government run or government controlled, it’s controlled by its membership. But it does provide not-for-profit competition to insurance companies, so it has appeal on both sides. It’s the only proposal that has bipartisan support and if we’re going to get 60 votes we’re going to need bipartisan support

According to Conrad there is bipartisan support for co-ops but that is simply a lie. So far at best a handful Republicans have said that they would "look into" his proposal for co-ops but many of them have already come out and slammed it as just a public option by another name. The RNC fits into that category and Senator John Kyl the Minority Whip has said that no Republicans would vote for a health care reform bill anyway. So where does Conrad get this notion that he has bipartisan support fo co-ops?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Of course if just one journalist would dare ask him WHO in the Republican Party endorses co-ops we might just get the answer to that question. But our mainstream media does not seem to be in the questioning business anymore.

1 comment:

  1. He just got called out on The Ed Show. Ed has called on him to give back the money, citing the fact that he doesn't need it to campaign because he wins by a large margin when he runs. Interesting stuff.


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