Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Nothing But A Southern Party Party Party

There is another nugget in the Research 2000 polling on health care. In response to the question:

Which of the following do you consider to be the most accurate reflection of the health care reform plan being considered by President Obama and Congress? (ROTATED): A government take over the entire health care system OR The government will provide a non-profit health insurance option to compete with private firms.

Because the whole "government takeover" is a GOP argument you would expect for self identified Republicans to agree with that framing of the issue. Interestingly enough Republicans were the only demographic in the whole poll where the people choosing "government takeover" outnumbered those choosing "competition".....save one.

In the South 45% of respondents accepted the "government takeover" framing of health care reform versus 28% who accepted the "competition" framing. That has to be disconcerting to the GOP because the truth is, if this polling is correct, they have once again been preaching to the choir. It doesn't really help them at all to have the only people to agree with them on the "government takeover" messaging be the people who are already faithful Republican voters.

Oh and one more thing, considering how miserably this messaging has failed, I think GOP leaders might want to ask Frank Luntz for a refund.

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