Saturday, August 1, 2009

Rule Of Law Is For Suckers

CIA Director Leon Panetta takes to the Washinton Post to write an op-ed in pursuit of the Peggy Noonan view of Congressional oversight, when they see something illegal "just need to keep on walking". It would be funny if it wasn't so nauseating. We didn't vote in a new administration just to have them cover up the crimes of the previous adminstration. The political price they pay for not investigating may end up being a lot bigger than the price they would pay for holding people accountable. President Obama and the rest of the people around him seem to be missing the fact that in their quest to grab some of the middle they may lose all of the base. It is what it is.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see a poll about how many of those who voted for him would be less than enthusiastic in '12--or how many would like some other Dem to challenge Obama.

    Certainly for me, these are some of the very reasons I supported him. Failure on these fronts means everything to me.


Come Hard Or Not At All!