Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Oops Up Side Ya Head

Remember this recent statement from wingnut Republican Senator Jim DeMint?

“I would rather have 30 Republicans in the Senate who really believe in principles of limited government, free markets, free people, than to have 60 that don’t have a set of beliefs.”

Well today the NRSC apparently took a shot at DeMint in their statement defending their endorsement of Florida Governor Charlie Crist in the Senate race next year.

“The Republican Party is a big tent party that welcomes different points of view. Obviously there is a small group of folks who would prefer to see 30 ‘pure’ Republican Senators with a litmus test for candidates. They’re certainly welcome to that viewpoint. We’re focused on rebuilding the party, winning elections and ultimately regaining the Majority so that bills like card check never see the light of day.”

OUCH. Obviously them using the number 30 was not just a coincidence. At this rate Democrats won't have any work to do next year, the GOP will have done all the attacking for them.

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