Monday, May 18, 2009

I Bet She Shuts Her Ass Up Next Time

Wingnut supreme of "The View", Elisabeth Hasselbeck evidently thought she could use a few Sean Hannity talking points and change Jesse "The Body" Ventura's mind about torture and waterboarding. What ensued was a rhetorical ass whupping that is probably going to sting for months. PWNED is probably too nice a word for what he did to her and her argument. Somebody should have told her that FauxNooz rhetoric doesn't work on people who know and know that they know.

I wish Ventura could come by and PWN her every single day. And I don't even watch the show lol.

(h/t CN


  1. I would love to see Ventura on Hannity or Rush. He would destroy them.

  2. I betcha she doesn't! Unless you specifically mean the next time Ventura's on the show.

    I watch The View frequently and the other co-hosts, and some of the guests, allow her regurgitation of right-wing talking points to go unchallenged far too much. I understand the show's premise is based on voicing different views, but Elizabeth is wrong far too often.

    If Ventura hadn't been on today, her insistence on renaming waterboarding as enhanced interrogation would have been the last word.

    I really wanted Ventura to say, a rose by any other name ... But, "waterboarding is torture" was good enough!

  3. As a Vietnam vet who also attended SERE training I can assure you that Jesse is correct. Waterboarding is torture. There can be not other description for it. To all that think otherwise,let them undergo the procedure.

    The part the video I really enjoyed was Jesse's push back on the Pelosi controversy, its to bad that the MSN doesn't understand this point.

  4. The Body is on a roll. I'm sure you've seen this, but in case you haven't:


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