Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dropping Knowledge

In a post that ends with an ancedote about Joe The Plumber's most recent idiotic comments, Ta Nehisi Coates connects all the dots about how politicians use racism and bigotry to condition their constituents into what he terms lazy thinking. The post brings the AWESOME and you need to check it out, but I am just going to hit you with the part on JTP.

So much of this is so perfect--including the idea that "honkey" is the worst slur Joe can think of. But his attitude toward not letting "queers" around his children, is oddly reminiscent. Much as the racist demagouges of yore convinced themselves that highest aim of black maledom was to bed their fugly-ass daughters, Joe the Plumber is convinced that the highest aim of all queerdom is to spend some time with his snotty-nosed brats.

He's indicative of a demographic that has long been ill-served by its leadership. That works out well for the leadership--at least initially. But over the long-term, the trouble with ignorance is that it trades the "now" for the future. You're betting that those who come after you won't wise up. How's that working out?

Now go on and check out the whole thing.


  1. I read it and cheered out loud. When that guy swings, he aims for the fences.


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