Monday, February 2, 2009


Im watching Morning Joe this morning and I keep hearing the same McCain campaign soundbites regurgitated by the whole cast including the quintessetial "dumb blond" Mika as well as the tool that is Mark Halperin. When the best you can come up with is screaming "Socialism" and "giving tax cuts to people who don't pay taxes" it shows that the Republican Party is completely tone deaf. John McCain used both of those memes as the center piece for the end of his campaign and he got his ass handed to him. But the problem is it's the only playbook they know. As was shown in my post the other day its the very same attacks that they launched about Bill Clinton in 2001. And history has shown us how wrong they are. Seriously they better hurry up and get in the lab and update their playbook because this is truly pitiful.

Just to refresh your mind again.


  1. I missed most of it this morning because I had my iPod on while I was ironing. What the eff was Jim Kramer talking about? Anytime I see Halperin on there I start asking myself who I'd punch first, him or Scarborough.

  2. Kramer was doing what most of the "financial gurus" are doing nowadays and flogging his one pet issue of raising the gas tax by trying to camoflauge it by suggesting it should be part of an economic stimulus plan. Because he really doesn't have a clue about what the plan really should look like and because he probably cost the people who actually watched his show and believed in him a ton of money this is basically the only we he can try to remain relevant. Good luck with that.

    For me its Halperin hands down because Scarborough is who he is and I don't think most people are fooled into thinking he is anything more than a washed up GOP hack. Halperin on the other hand is SUPPOSED to be an unbiased journalist. So when he comes on the show and spouts Republican talking points word for word in his unending quest to get Matt Drudge to date him to me its a much more egregious offense.

  3. Isn't there a clip somewhere of Kramer telling people NOT to sell Bear Sterns? What is a financial guru doing anywhere near a tv camera these days?

    I agree about Halperin. He must have dirty pictures of someone over at TIME because he should be out of a job. This makes me want to be the producer of that show, just so I can get someone in there who can actually put up a fight, like Joan Walsh or Rachel Maddow. As much as I like the guy, Capehart ain't cuttin' it. And Mika just lets Joe shout nonesense at her. Like that ridiculous McGovern comment this morning.

  4. Dude Mika is now brainwashed. Haven't you heard her flogging the bill as "welfare spending"? It makes me wonder if she wasn't adopted or something.

  5. Two words, yo: Stockholm Syndrome. Zbigniew must be crying himself to sleep at night.


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