Monday, May 18, 2009

The Walkback You Aren't Hearing About

You would think that with all of the "he said, she said" journalism going on with respect to Speaker Pelosi's quote last week that the CIA misled her that when a prominent antagonist of hers had asserted that she was lying and then had to walk it back on a major "Sunday Show" after seeing the actual CIA documents that it would be plastered all over cable news. And you would be wrong.

“I think these documents will be made public. I think that when they are made public it won’t be crystal clear as to what exactly went on in that briefing. …

“Overall, Chris I think it’s pretty clear the speaker either knew or should have known that these enhanced interrogation techniques were occurring. …

“I think the documents for me are pretty clear.
For others they may not be as clear.”

Now why in the world wasn't Representative Hoekstra's word featured prominently on "Morning Joe" today as they tried to impugn Speaker Pelosi's credibility? I think we all know the answer to that. Send this video to as many people in the media as you can via twitter or their email addresses and demand they start focusing on the credibility of the CIA as much as they have been focusing on Speaker Pelosi's.

(major h/t to JaO)

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