Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jonathan Turley Shilling For Diane Wood

I have no problem with Professor Turley having a preference of Diane Wood over Sonia Sotomayor for the nomination to the Supreme Court. But I do have a problem with Turley perpetrating the meme that Judge Sotomayor isn't an "intellectual heavyweight".

It won't be long before wingnuts start saying "Even librul socialist Johnathan Turley says..." in their arguments against Sotomayor's confirmation. Turley's whinefest over not having the person he preferred get chosen today was the opposite of helpful commentary. President Obama chose Judge Sotomayor so get over it already.

Oh and about his take on Thurgood Marshall, FUCK YOU Jonathan Turley. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE David Shuster, because he didn't give him a pass on his priour remarks. He did it in a gentlemanly way, but he did it.


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