Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'll Give Him A Pass

I am not in the mood to be praising any Republicans in the House who decide to break ranks now and vote for the stimulus bill after voting against it at first. Binut because Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao is new to the Congress AND he represents a district in Louisianna that is made up of mostly minorities and he has shown in his campaign rhetoric before the election and his pledges to represent his district after winning, I have decided to give him a pass on this one. Everybody makes mistakes but at least he is showing the moxy to admit it and even as a freshman Congressman bucking his party and pledging to vote for the bill. Now if it happens again I won't be so forgiving but I really think Cao might be one of the good ones.

We shall see.

(h/t Benen)

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Come Hard Or Not At All!