Monday, July 20, 2009

Their Fringe Is Now Their Base

One of the biggest problems with the shrinking Republican Party is that the majority of people who no longer identify themselves as Republican were the moderates of the party. What that means is that what used to be the fringe of the party is now quickly becoming the base. For instance most people consider the "birthers" to be the fringe of society. However as this clip and other reporting from CQPolitics shows the birthers are now becoming accepted in the mainstream of the GOP.

And these are the people that Republicans will feel the need to kow tow to for years to come. That's just another reason not to take the GOP seriously anymore.

1 comment:

  1. This is full on 100% wingnut crazy.

    It could only be better if they started playing this on the nightly news.

    Or even better, every time some Republican is on a talk show, they lead in with this.


Come Hard Or Not At All!