Friday, March 27, 2009

Have You Ever Held A Press Conference? Have You Ever Held A Press Conference ON WEED?!

During the online townhall press conference yesterday President Obama addressed one of the questions that had been voted on the most about legalizing marijuana. Now President Obama took great liberties with how the question was actually worded but even at that I don't think anyone is surprised that he said he was against legalizing marijuana. But here is the problem, whether you smoke weed or not at this point its almost indisputable that legalizing marijuana would both help the economy by creating jobs, generating tax revenue, and cutting down on the cost of prosecuting crimes involving possession of marijuana. Literally the only reason marijuana is still illegal is because no politician has the political will to legalize it except for medical uses. If you look at the facts there is no way to justify why alcohol is legal and marijuana is not. Especially when marijuana actually helps with many different physical ailments. Then there is the issue of hemp based products which could be used for many different industries like making rope or even in different clothing fabrics. And by taking weed off the streets and putting it in stores you reduce crime in this country just like when prohibition was repealed and the bootleggers went out of business. I am 100% with Cenk on this one.

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